Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New logo for polish presidency in EU

Today our Prime Minister has presented a new logo for polish presidency in European Union.
Due to author's idea six arrows in different colors excelling into the sky and polish flag, that one, that we know well from "Solidarność" logo.  Due to author logo shows dynamics, positive vibrations and solidarity.
The author of the logo is Jerzy Janiszewski world wide known designer.

Polish presidency in EU will start on 1st of July 2011 and last half a year.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The beauty of polish village

Having a walk with my dog in my village we have met a very friendly cow that tried to kiss my camera. Isn't she lovely? :) Meet polish 'krasula' (common name given to cows in Poland), the beauty of village.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Trip to Beskid Śląski

On the last day of April, encouraged by wonderful spring weather we've decided to make a short trip to our nearby Beskid Śląski (mountains reaching about 1200 meters).
To go for a trip to Beskid Śląski you need to reach Bielsko-Biała City at first. It's easy to get there by train from Katowice (or by car obviously). Leave the train on Bielsko-Biała Główna railway station, cross the street and try to catch BUS 1 or 1s to 'Cygański Las', go out on last bus stop. There you can easily start your trip following signs.

1. First Photo is taken just on the beginning by crossing little creek.

2. Then climb slowly and patiently up the hill having on the right old and not used anymore toboggan run (on the map orange one, second photo)

3. Reaching Kozia Góra you can experience amazing sights. On the top, there is mountain shelter, where you can try some of local dishes, or, what we recommend the most, prepare sausage on a fire, sitting by a fireplace.

4. Going to Kołowrót pass try to enjoy yourself with wild nature and fresh air. The trial goes gently down and hike is not tiring.

5. On Szyndzielnia, those very tired can travel down with Cable Car, that we don't recommend, because the trial goes gently down to the end of our trip, and you'll miss views such as 'hub mushroom', a rare parasite living on trees.

6. Going down to Wapienica Valley it is getting a bit foggy. As you reach Wapienica Damm, turn right, the trial turns into asphalt road, where you can meet lots of people riding a bike, or jogging. After about 20 minutes you will reach Wapienica Bus Stop, where catching bus 10 or 16 you will get back to Bielsko-Biała Główna railway station.

I hope, I've encouraged you to visit Beskid Śląski, see you on trial! :)

When You meet someone on trial, you say 'Dzień Dobry', that means 'Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening'
Littering is strictly prohibited!
Take lots of water (there are no shops on trial) and rain coat (the weather in mountain can change every minute).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gooral - Karczmareczka. New folk music is comming...

Hello everyone. I found something new on the Internet and I want to share it with you. Gooral - Karczmareczka.

Such trend on creation of new sounds and scratches basing on something old and traditional is present on Polish music market from several years. As far as I know it started with "Golec uorkiestra" or "Brathanki" than "Zakopower" and much more I can say honestly I've never liked. But this time it is something absolutely different.

First of all Gooral comes from my family city so liking it is a must. Secondly it is slightly different than what we were experiencing so far. The new type of music is called ETHNO ELEKTRO what suggests a mix of ethnic and electronic music. A very thirrilng mix that carries a huge charge of positive energy...