Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gooral - Karczmareczka. New folk music is comming...

Hello everyone. I found something new on the Internet and I want to share it with you. Gooral - Karczmareczka.

Such trend on creation of new sounds and scratches basing on something old and traditional is present on Polish music market from several years. As far as I know it started with "Golec uorkiestra" or "Brathanki" than "Zakopower" and much more I can say honestly I've never liked. But this time it is something absolutely different.

First of all Gooral comes from my family city so liking it is a must. Secondly it is slightly different than what we were experiencing so far. The new type of music is called ETHNO ELEKTRO what suggests a mix of ethnic and electronic music. A very thirrilng mix that carries a huge charge of positive energy...


  1. Hej ! dzięki za zbawczą interwencję na mojej stronie :D Wkurzało mnie to ,że zdjęcia się nie mieszczą, lecz jak na kobietę przystało nie umiałam temu zaradzić :)
    Pozdrawiam !!

  2. Really enjoyed the music. Different to what Im used to but very catching. Great post thanks.
