Friday, April 29, 2011

China is ok too :)

Although we have got now in Poland amazing spring time, it’s wonderful to travel around the world and experience new cultures. Few weeks ago I had great opportunity to go to Hong Kong and China and spend there a whole week. See my photos from journey below:

My Flight :)

 Hong Kong, view from the Peak

Sea food on a street market, Kowloon

 Chinese street by night, Kowloon

Iincenses in ManMo Temple, Hong Kong

Decorated tree in Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong

Little temple in Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong

Buddah's altar in Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong

 View at Great Buddah next to Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong

The littlest temple ever :) Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong 

Goddesses giving gifts to Great Buddah, Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong

Wisdom Path, Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong 

Wisdom Path, Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong 

Chinese flower, Hong Kong

Babmoos with confession of love (I hope:) ), Shenzhen

I hope you like my photos :) Thx for visiting:) 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring time!

April and May are in Poland spring time. It’s getting warmer and everything from little flowers to trees starts to blossom in amazing colours. See few photos of my garden taken after warm spring rain when birds were tweeting quietly and light breeze was refreshing air. I wish you could experience this moment :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

You will get wet, anyway! Śmigus-dyngus - Wet Monday

As in title today you will get wet anyway! Second day of Easter (Easter Monday) is in Poland called "Śmigus-dyngus". On this day people are pouring water one on another, even strangers. The custom originates from pagan holidays connected with two gods śmigus and dyngus. 

Nowadays it is especially popular in the countryside. When a girl or woman is being intensively poured it means she is found to be really attractive. In typical family the water festival is started by those who got up the earliest. Long sleepers are usually woken up by a glass of water poured on their face. However various means are being used for pouring: from toys - plastic eggs filled with water, water guns through buckets full of freezing water ending on garden hoses when it comes to water strikes among neighbours. :)
In general it is great fun for everybody: kids and adults on condition people remain sensible and are not afraid of getting a bit wet.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Traditional Polish Easter Eggs - "Pisanki"

Easter eggs "pisanki" (painted eggs)  are impotrant part of Polish Easter tradition. They are a symbol of spring, new life and renewal. They are often carried to church for food blessing. Children paint them eagerly with use of water paints or markers. Sometimes one can use colourful stickers.  Besides, many common technics the very one presented above is the most traditional one. It requires performing several steps:
  1. Prepare the most outer (orange) part of onion peel.
  2. Hard-boil eggs with onion peel put into water.
  3. When eggs are ready leave them in pot with onion-water for at least few hours. This will help them to get more intensive colors.
  4. With use of a sharp tool scratch eggs to obtain desired figures - start form easy ones.