Sunday, April 24, 2011

Traditional Polish Easter Eggs - "Pisanki"

Easter eggs "pisanki" (painted eggs)  are impotrant part of Polish Easter tradition. They are a symbol of spring, new life and renewal. They are often carried to church for food blessing. Children paint them eagerly with use of water paints or markers. Sometimes one can use colourful stickers.  Besides, many common technics the very one presented above is the most traditional one. It requires performing several steps:
  1. Prepare the most outer (orange) part of onion peel.
  2. Hard-boil eggs with onion peel put into water.
  3. When eggs are ready leave them in pot with onion-water for at least few hours. This will help them to get more intensive colors.
  4. With use of a sharp tool scratch eggs to obtain desired figures - start form easy ones.

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